
One day, an odd creature crawl out from the rust red
soil of an odd planet..
It's too confusing, so clumsy it ends up going back to purgatory right away, but rescesutated, it gets to stay: Mars seems to propel her muse!
matryoshka gives her the name of a generic, easy read font, "Helvetica".

Personality: Oblivious, smart, can be sassy but otherwise timid. Sneaky and silly, she has a dead look and a skull full of vague life-vengeance.

Fairytale: nebulous uncooperative complete amorphous soul (unseen ability?)

attribute: Mirage able to "visually impose into reality", retexturing another's surroundings with a dream or mentality. (may unconciously emit the aura... Depicts a familiar but unforgiving mural, it's not brightly friendly) able to cause blood pressure to shift, dizzy/fainting

                            Halvetica's referance

Character info 3